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Founder and Lead

Matthew Snowsill
Matt works as an A&E Doctor (registrar) in North and East London. He previously worked in Essex at Princess Alexandra Hospital (PAH) for three years doing acute medicine, emergency medicine, anaesthetics and intensive care. He was also their Deputy Clinical Lead for Sepsis and part of the Clinical Innovation Fellowship Faculty.
Matt has completed a secondment with London's Air Ambulance and completed his dissertation for the MSc in Emergency and Resuscitation Medicine on the topic of hospital to prehospital feedback.
Matt leads the team who deliver the PHEM Feedback Facilitating Feedback Course as Course Director
Prehospital Lead

Sinead Keane
Sinead is a paramedic currently working as the higher education clinical practice lead within the East of England Ambulance Service Trust. She has an MSc in critical care and a BSc in Paramedic science.
She is a keen advocate for education and training and has been actively involved in designing and implementing a supervision and mentoring programme within the ambulance service. Sinead has passion for supporting development through debriefing and education. She has been supporting the PHEM feedback project since 2018 and became the Lead Paramedic for the project in November 2020
Regional Prehospital Lead (East of England)

Jon Locke
Jon is a Leading Operations Manager with East of England Ambulance Service. He is a strong advocate for improving prehospital feedback to enhance clinical practice, patient care and the ongoing development of prehospital clinicians.
He is currently undertaking an MSc in Prehospital Medicine at Queen Mary University of London. He has undertaken numerous PHEM Feedback cases and has been heavily involved in the project since the relaunch.
Hospitals Lead

Emma McLean
Emma is a Junior Doctor currently working in North West London and planning to pursue a career in Emergency Medicine. She has taken on a variety of roles related to Prehospital emergency medicine. During foundation training she became London Representative for the Student and Junior Trainee committee as part of the Faculty of Pre-hospital Care and was the President of Imperial Pre-hospital Emergency Medicine society. Throughout medical school she completed many hours of observer shifts with London Ambulance Service.
She originally joined the team as Secretary and has recently changed her role to Hospitals Lead. She will be helping to organise and oversee the expansion of the project to other hospitals in the region.
Regional Hospitals Lead (East of England)

Anna Forbes
Anna is a Registrar in Intensive Care and Anaesthesia.
She is currently working for Essex and Herts Air Ambulance as a flight Doctor. Anna is passionate about gaining feedback on patients' clinical course to complete the learning cycle, maximising patient safety and improving patient care.
Patient Safety Specialist

Jen McClagish
Jen is a Paramedic with EEAST. She has worked within Clinical Triage, Operations, Patient Safety and Quality improvement.
Jen supports the project with a patient safety approach to share insights on the learning process. Should a clinician requesting feedback suspect patient harm may have occurred, she is on hand to advise of the process of wider learning and advocate for a just culture within any review
Technical Officer

Lawrie Greenfield
Lawrie is an Emergency Medicine registrar and crowd doctor currently working in East London
He has a background in IT and web-development and designed and maintains our website and social media.
Committee Member

Luke Roberts-Andreou
Luke is a Leading Operations Manager within the East of England Ambulance Service Trust with a drive to develop and improve prehospital feedback and debriefing. Having used the PHEM feedback process in 2018 following a patient encounter, Luke is passionate about promoting and implementing its use into prehospital practice to support clinical development and improve patient care.
Luke is currently an MSc candidate in Advanced Paramedic Practice and practices as an Advanced life Support (ALS) instructor for RCUK.
Committee Member

John Abbotts
John is a Paramedic with East of England Ambulance Service Trust. He has worked in both private and public sectors with a background including project management.
He identified the need for a formal feedback system early in his prehospital career and realised he shared this interest with Matt Snowsill during their clinical handovers in Princess Alexandra Hospital. In the early stages of the project he supported PHEM Feedback by helping to highlight our work to EEAST directors who then gave their support. John now works with a focus on safeguarding patients' data and ensuring participating organisations meet the necessary standards to participate in the project.
John is currently selecting an appropriate MSc to further his passions for education, quality improvement and staff wellbeing.
Committee Member

Kieran Robinson
Kieran is an EEAST Paramedic working in Hertfordshire.
Kieran is involved in the ‘Healthcare Leadership Academy’ as a Cohort Director, mentoring participants through their projects. He Is working towards his MSc in Critical Care at the University of Edinburgh and hold the post of Associate Lecturer at Anglia Ruskin University where he lectures Paramedic Science students.
Committee Member

Angela Croucher
Angela is a paramedic and works in Cambridgeshire for the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust. She is passionate about education and professional development and is keen to enhance learning and improve clinical practice through debriefs and feedback.
Prior to retraining as a paramedic, she was a Sister on the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge. She teaches adult and paediatric advanced life support and is on the Resuscitation Council UK European Paediatric Advanced Life Support Subcommittee. She responds with NARS (a prehospital critical care team) and is a member of the East Anglian Air Ambulance RAID (research, audit, innovation and development) group. She is also studying MSc in Emergency and Resuscitation Medicine.
Committee Member

Adam Philpot
Adam is a paramedic in south hertfordshire with 5 years of prehospital experiance. He has a keen interest in education and professional development and the role feedback plays to improve patient care. He has a background in event delivery from both the corporate and charity sector.
Advisory Board
Patient Representative

Gordon Patterson
Gordon experienced an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in September 2003 which he thankfully survived due to the outstanding efforts of all those involved, from a bystander who performed CPR, to his paramedic, to his hospital teams.
This is a wonderful success story for the whole ‘Chain of Survival’. Gordon presented his story along with Jonathan, the paramedic who saved his life, at the PHEM Feedback Showcase. Jonathan wanted to get feedback on the case, just like we try to enable our Clinicians to do, and he went to visit Gordon the day after. The lecture in which they tell their story can be found here.
Having heard about the project’s aims, Gordon agreed to become our Patient Representative. He does this in addition to his work as a Patient Representative for Resuscitation Council UK and uses his own experiences as a patient to help us keep patients at the centre of our efforts.
Academic Advisor

Dr Indra Jones PhD
Indra has been working as a volunteer with EEAST over the last 5 years providing academic support/guidance for paramedic undergraduate and apprentice students and also for paramedic staff pursuing post-graduate qualifications and CPD activities.
She has a PhD in Reflective practice and a BA(Hons) in Nursing Education with a past clinical background in critical care and primary health care. She is a former University teaching fellow and principal lecturer in Nursing and Paramedic Sciences as well as Post Graduate Certificate and Diploma levels education for university teaching staff. She also holds a teaching fellowship (FHEA) and National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) with the Higher Education Academy.
Indra is credited for her role in the origins of the first UK paramedic graduate courses and QAA benchmark statements for paramedic professional practice. This became the catalyst for her main post graduate research interests Paramedic Education and Reflective Practice.
Indra's ongoing passion for Reflective Learning in pre-hospital care as a conduit for improved staff education and patient care outcomes remains paramount.

Esther Murray
Esther is a health psychologist at Queen Mary University of London. She is widely known for her work on moral injury in prehospital care and has presented internationally on the topic. Her expertise has helped us design our processes to be psychologically safe for our users and she is intimately involved in the design of the Facilitating Feedback course.
Former Contributors

Grace Allen - Former PHEM Feedback Lead Paramedic
Grace held her role of Lead Paramedic alongside her roles as a senior paramedic for East of England Ambulance Service Trust, a Senior Lecturer in Paramedic Science for the University of Hertfordshire, a TRiM (Trauma Risk Management) Practitioner and MSc candidate in cardiology. She was selected for the role of Lead Paramedic having demonstrated passions for education, staff wellbeing and quality improvement and is a fantastic advocate for her colleagues in the Ambulance Service.
Grace stood down holding the record for leading the most debriefs of any prehospital colleague. She will soon be taking up her post as an Advanced Paramedic Practitioner in Critical Care with the London Ambulance Service and remains involved in the design and delivery of our PHEM Feedback Educator Course and our academic activities.

Gio Cracolici - Former PHEM Feedback Hospitals Lead and Site Lead for Harlow
Gio is an Emergency Medicine doctor who was responsible for our ‘best practice’ guide for how to make reports. This was based on work he had done with our Clinicians and Debriefers. These guidelines exist to ensure that the hospital teams create educational and appropriately detailed reports to help maximise Clinicians’ learning. Gio was also a Site Lead in Harlow and compiled many reports for prehospital colleagues to aid their learning. Gio remains involved in our academic activities.

Shadman Aziz - Former Lead for Widening Clinician Access
Shad is a Junior Doctor working in North East London and an Emergency Responder for London Ambulance Service.
He designed the process which widened the scope of the project to include those who contribute to the rescue of a patient but who do not come with the patient to hospital. Prior to his work this meant that these colleagues could not follow up the case.
Shad’s work has allowed a more inclusive process and means that EEAST affiliated first responders and clinicians on bicycles, motorcycles or in fast response cars can benefit from the project.